Ubuntu 18.10 Was an Easy Linux Distro Install

(posted 12/8/2018) - Gone are the days when one had to peruse multiple Linux distribution archives to find an appropriate download package - then follow make file configurations to get a viable environment with drivers for your particular PC hardware. Now it's one-stop shopping: Download an ISO for your PC, burn it to DVD or to bootable USB drive and then restart your PC. Viola you're ready to install a fully functioning, modern desktop style Linux distro.

In this case Ubuntu 18.10 which takes about 2 GB of drive space.

I had a 2008 AMD64 (3-core 2.5 GHZ) based PC that was originally distributed with Microsoft's Vista Pro (an NT implementation following NT 2000). Since Vista support ended years ago the OS had aged badly and was barely running. I copied all the data and apps that I wanted to keep onto a new Windows 10 machine recently and was faced with the decision of trashing or repurposing the old PC. After looking at Ubuntu Linux I decided to give it a whirl.

Ubuntu's website has a refreshingly simple layout for investigating their implementation's feature set and after just a few minutes I was downloading an iso (bootable disc image) version targeted for 64 bit PC compatible processors); namely Ubuntu version 18.10.

The folks at Ubuntu aim to put out minor releases every 6 months, with a major release every 2-3 years. They provide a software updater app as part of the install that will automatically download and install bug-fixes and feature enhancements during either a 9-month (for 6-month releases) or 5 year (for major releases) period. This is definitely a cool feature.

There is also an app-store where a user can find most anything. I need to be able to play wmv video files used on my website, so I went to the app-store and downloaded VLC a multi-media player and 2 minutes later I was playing wmv videos. So, it is definitely a painless feature rich desktop management environment.

But the main advantage to anyone with an old sluggish/unstable MicroSoft based PC is that the new Ubuntu environment is highly secure (no need for third party virus filtering apps), easy to navigate, app rich, and fast. By that I mean app response is fast, power up is fast, and shut down is fast. I love not having Microsoft update screens that seem to constantly intrude when my machine has been off for a week.

In short I highly recommend Ubuntu 18.10 64 bit ISO for PC compatibles. I burned it to DVD on my windows 10 machine then booted the DVD on my old PC and once the DVD brought up the install screen did a complete install (over writing the old OS -- though you have the option of partitioning for dual booting). After that I removed the DVD and restarted - 30s later I was running Ubuntu Desktop. At that point I connected up a Wireless USB stick, logged into my wireless network and used the software-update app to get all the latest goodies and fixes for version 18.10 and was off to the races!

Further Information on Ubuntu (Canonical Group Website) can be found by clicking this link .