Useful Information About Impacts of Immigration
(posted 10/4/2024) - Apparently immigration is second only to "the economy" in the minds of a majority of voters in the US. In my almost 77 years of life I've never actually had a negative immigrant experience; to the contrary, those I've known have been largely hard working socially adaptable people trying to achieve a better life for themseleves and family. Never the less I'm sure I don't know very much about the social and economic macro impacts of immigration on our communities. What I do know is that there are pundits and politicians out there telling us to be wary of who we allow to cross our borders.
I found this well researched article in The Atlantic (Roge Karma) which focuses on the economic impacts of immigration (both positive and negative). I think most dispassionate readers would conclude that macro-economic impacts in general are negligible.
There is another aspect related to immigrant communities in the US which is about culture and social values. I believe this is probably the source of most of the unease of those who would limit their presence. Economic arguments appear to give cover to this sentiment and thus are readily accepted without much scrutiny.
I converted The Atlantic article to PDF format and have provided a link Here .