Our House Framing is Complete

August 17th, 2008 - Our home is under roof and completely framed. The carpenters worked a total of 10 days between Saturday August 2nd, and Friday the 15th (we had a Monday rain-out).

It was a treat to watch the house 'grow' each day. The crew of 5-6 guys worked efficiently as far as I could tell. Pat and I visited daily.

When they started stud-walling and placing window rough-outs Pat and I measured everything against the prints each evening. In all we found four positional errors that the crew-chief quickly adjusted. There were only two calculation errors made by the carpenters (measurement take-offs from the print). The other two items were interpretations/communications.

My point in bringing this up is not to ding the quality of the carpenter crew (I was quite satisfied with their workmanship). It is to make the point that the home owner should take responsibility for verifying the home is dimensioned to their spec by checking work progress each evening. Double checking measurements is quick and can pay dividends in time and materials costs.

We expect the roof to be shingled and the windows / doors to be set next week (Tues-Friday). The plumber will also be on site to do rough-in work next week. Things are moving along well!

Here are photos of front and back as of last Friday:

Here's are photos out of our master-bedroom, front bedroom, and middle bedroom, respectively. The master-bedroom R.O. is 72 x 66 inches, the other two bedroom windows are 80 x 60 inches each.

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