Still Waiting to Exhale (Delay in Permit Submissions)
April 16, 2008 - Well the 9th came and went and no permit packages (demo or construction) were submitted to the village!
It seems the construction drawings (which rely on information provided in the grading plan) got delayed because the architect was busy responding to two other construction plans that were just coming out of village review (and needed updates post-haste).
I spoke with the architect and he has committed to having our plans ready early next week. So at this point the anticipated submission of the construction permit is 4/24.
I left a message with our builder asking him if he can submit the demolition permit package to the village this week. I'm hoping we can get feedback on that task next week from the village instead of also waiting till the 24 to submit.
It looks like the earliest the village might now be responding to our permit requests is end of April!
I thought this little cartoon said it all, "hurry up and wait guys!" Click to view full size.
It is a challenge to find the right balance, in which one is gently pushing the project forward, while not appearing to be a pest.